Sirui's Homepage

Affiliations University of California, San Diego


9500 Gilman Dr

La Jolla, CA 92093, USA

Hello visitor, Sirui Tao here. I am a CSE master student at University of California San Diego (UCSD). My research interest lays in better enabling creative professionals to use AI tools for their design tasks, both from Computer Graphics (CG) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) perspectives. In my current master study, I am working on some interesting research projects under the guidance of Prof. Tzu-mao Li on graphics and Prof. Steven Dow on HCI. During my undergraduate study, I had the great fortunate to work Prof. Judith E. Fan.

selected publications

  1. designweaver.png
    DesignWeaver: Dimensional Scaffolding for Text-to-Image Product Design
    Sirui Tao, Ivan Liang , Cindy Peng , Zhiqing Wang , Srishti Palani , and Steven Dow
    In Submission to CHI , 2024
  2. physion++.gif
    Physion++: Evaluating Physical Scene Understanding with Objects Consisting of Different Physical Attributes in Humans and Machines
    Hsiao-Yu Tung , Mingyu Ding , Zhenfang Chen , Sirui Tao, Vedang Lad , Daniel Bear , Chuang Gan , Josh Tenenbaum , Daniel Yamins , Judith Fan , and Kevin Smith
    In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society , 2023
  3. physion.gif
    Physion: Evaluating Physical Prediction from Vision in Humans and Machines
    Daniel Bear , Elias Wang , Damian Mrowca , Felix Binder , Hsiao-Yu Tung , Pramod RT , Cameron Holdaway , Sirui Tao, Kevin Smith , Fan-Yun Sun , Fei-Fei Li , Nancy Kanwisher , Josh Tenenbaum , Dan Yamins , and Judith Fan
    In Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems Track on Datasets and Benchmarks , 2021