@inproceedings{tung2023physion++,title={Physion++: Evaluating Physical Scene Understanding with Objects Consisting of Different Physical Attributes in Humans and Machines},author={Tung, Hsiao-Yu and Ding, Mingyu and Chen, Zhenfang and Tao, Sirui and Lad, Vedang and Bear, Daniel and Gan, Chuang and Tenenbaum, Josh and Yamins, Daniel and Fan, Judith and Smith, Kevin},booktitle={Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society},year={2023},}
Physion: Evaluating Physical Prediction from Vision in Humans and Machines
Daniel Bear, Elias Wang, Damian Mrowca, Felix Binder, Hsiao-Yu Tung, Pramod RT, Cameron Holdaway, Sirui Tao, Kevin Smith, Fan-Yun Sun, Fei-Fei Li, Nancy Kanwisher, Josh Tenenbaum, Dan Yamins, and Judith Fan
In Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems Track on Datasets and Benchmarks, 2021
@inproceedings{NEURIPSDATASETSANDBENCHMARKS2021_d09bf415,author={Bear,DanielandWang,EliasandMrowca,DamianandBinder,FelixandTung,Hsiao-YuandRT,PramodandHoldaway,CameronandTao,SiruiandSmith,KevinandSun,Fan-YunandLi,Fei-FeiandKanwisher,NancyandTenenbaum,JoshandYamins,DanandFan,Judith},booktitle = {Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems Track on Datasets and Benchmarks},editor = {Vanschoren, J. and Yeung, S.},url = {https://datasets-benchmarks-proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2021/hash/d09bf41544a3365a46c9077ebb5e35c3-Abstract-round1.html},title = {Physion: Evaluating Physical Prediction from Vision in Humans and Machines},volume = {1},year = {2021},}